
The 行政顾问委员会 consists of sponsoring financial institutions and Lucas College and Graduate School of 业务 representatives.













卢卡斯商学院和研究生院 Representatives

Dr. Priya Kannan,院长Priya Kannan,博士,院长

Dr. Rangapriya (Priya) Kannan is dean the 卢卡斯商学院和研究生院. Kannan is a first-generation immigrant and is the first woman and the first person from India to lead the 卢卡斯商学院和研究生院 on a permanent 作为院长的基础.

Kannan joins 菠菜网lol正规平台 from the University of San Diego, where she was the associate dean of faculty and accreditation and a professor of strategic management, innovation and 创业. 她 also serves as a research professor of 创业 at University of Exeter 业务 School, 一个 of the UK’s leading institutions. 在她担任这个角色之前 作为副院长,博士. Kannan was the inaugural chairperson of the i3 department that houses 创新 and Entrepreneurship, International 业务, and Interdisciplinary 在克瑙斯商学院学习. 她也是 Entrepreneurship and 创新 Catalyzer (The CatalyZer). 

Before joining academia, Kannan gained valuable industry experience in both India 和硅谷. Her background includes expertise in leadership to affect strategic change, designing interdisciplinary programs, employee development, alumni and community outreach, and creating inclusive work environments. 她的研究主要集中在 on how individuals achieve innovation within limited resources using creative resourcing 和重构. 她 has published papers in several outlets related to strategy and innovation, including the Strategic 管理 Journal, Journal of Product 创新 管理, Organization Studies, 研究和 Technology 管理, Oxford Research 《菠菜网lol正规平台》和《菠菜网lol正规平台》.

Throughout her career, Kannan has achieved numerous accomplishments and received recognition for her contributions in research, teaching, and institution building. 这些包括 克拉伦斯·L. Steber Professorship, a distinguished university award at the University of San Diego, as well as being named 一个 of Poets & Quants排名前50的本科商科 Professors in the country in 2020 for her excellence in teaching. 甘南也 awarded San Diego 业务woman of the Year in 2020 and was recognized as 一个 of the SD 500 San Diego Most Influential 业务 Leaders in both 2021 and 2022 by the San 迭戈商业杂志. Additionally, she served as a visiting research fellow at 剑桥大学贾奇商学院.

Dr. Kannan earned a PhD from the UCLA Anderson School of 管理. 这是她应得的 Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from 菠菜网lol正规平台 and was recognized as a 萨莉·卡萨诺瓦学者. Additionally, she has earned a Masters in Personnel 管理 & Industrial Relations from Tata Institute of 社会科学s (India), and is a graduate of the Cost and Works Accountants Society (India). 她的本科学习是 completed at the University of Bombay (India), where she received a Bachelor of Commerce 学位.

Dr. Stoyu伊万诺夫斯托尤·伊万诺夫博士

Stoyu我. Ivanov is a Nancie Fimbel Investment Fellow in the Lucas College and Graduate School of 业务 at 圣何塞州立大学. 他拥有博士学位和工商管理硕士学位 内布拉斯加大学. Dr. Ivanov is the director of the Center for Banking and Financial 圣何塞州立大学的服务. He is a board member and advisor to the Financial Navigator Student Managed Investment 基金 and the 菠菜网lol正规平台 硅谷 Aggressive Growth 基金. He was an advisor to the 2015 CFA Investment Research Challenge Northern California 地区优胜队. He has taught Corporate Finance, Financial Markets and Institutions and Real Estate Finance classes at 圣何塞州立大学. 研究方向 are in the areas of exchange traded funds and indexing. 他发表了40多篇科学论文 文章.

Dr. 谢谢你们苦 谢谢你们苦博士

Dr. 谢谢你们苦 is an Associate Professor of Finance, and the Assistant Director of the 银行和金融服务中心 at 圣何塞州立大学. 她 holds a PhD in Finance and an MBA from the University of Missouri. 她的初级教学 and research interests lie in empirical corporate finance. Dr. 苦的研究 has been published in the Journal of Corporate Finance, the Journal of Banking and 金融和欧洲财务管理. 在她的业余时间,博士. 苦享受 spending time with her family, skiing, swimming, and watching movies.